40 Extreme Ways To Cut Down On Spendings by Dr Adams Ayeni

40 Extreme Ways To Cut Down On Spendings by Dr Adams Ayeni

1. Don't shower with soap everyday
2. Reduce use of hair cream to 3 - 4 times weekly
3. Use water instead of toilet paper
4. Wash and press your own clothes
5. Cook your own food
6. Swap items with friends
7. Learn to fix stuffs
8. Live in easily affordable apartments
9. Rent out the extra room(s)
10. Do cheap subscription at home & watch football in viewing centres
11. Put off appliances when not in use
12. Attend parties every weekend
13. Reduce alcohol intake
14. Flex with catfish & alcohol at home
15. Limit watching new movies at the cinemas, it will still be available online for free
16. Limit the use of your car/gas
17. Walk more
18. Plant your vegetables
19. Don't bet
20. Don't buy on impulse
21. Avoid aṣọ ẹbi like a plague
22. Limit activities on Instagram & YouTube
23. Always do bulk purchase
24. Use firelighter instead of matches
25. Have a shopping list & stick to it
26. Let your family & friends know you are saving for a big project
27. Have a monthly budget
28. Don't buy on credit
29. Always negotiate the prices of goods & services
30. Do more of Internet calls than airtime calls
31. Download free ebooks instead of buying hardcopies
32. Use energy saving bulbs
33. Reduce your meat intake, one is enough
34. Wash your car yourself
35. Invest in deep freezer
36. Charge your phone more at your workplace
37. Always rub the soap on your body before the water, not the other way round
38. When your Toothpaste gets exhausted, cut the tube open & it can be used for the next few days
39. Dilute your washing liquid soap with little water
40. LADIES, invest in wigs

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