_Nu'akofu Uthman Oladimeji_
As the clock gradually tick away into the New Year, many people become tuned to past failures whilst quest for turnaround in the coming year.
Many people will make a last minute prayer with the hope that the New Year will transform into a failure-free, poverty-free and success-filled New Year. But perhaps we should take cognizance at the reasons that one might remain broke in 2020, irrespective of beautifully-designed New Year’s resolutions.
Should I talk about the biggest lesson I learnt in 2019? Then it is that no task is unachievable, and that the prospect of every individual success is a reflection of good and consistent planning.
It is not rocket science that one who lives life as it comes, without concrete planning and consistent strategy readjustment in tune with the realities on ground, might still remain broke this new year. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you kick start this year with something concrete, and not some unrealistic new year’s resolution.
Another lesson is that nothing kills faster than procrastination! Isn't it? Yah! You've been battling on how to overcome it right? Okay, Let me be brief here. I was also given this advice some years back and till this moment, the sound of this advice still ricochets in my head. I believed it also would serve as my guiding tool in the course of working through the inevitable hurdles that will arise in 2020.
It is a statement of fact that the beauty of an idea is not in its loftiness, but in the reality of the execution. Unfortunately, a host of ideas have been buried over the years with the strong arm of procrastination.
Sometimes, your architectural instinct becomes the mood when you design the plan, yet when the “I will do it later” urge creeps in, it destroys every iota of the plan you had. Procrastination breeds laziness and impedes you on your ladder to success. It can only be cured by “doing it now!”. Succinctly, Learn to act now and do the complicated analysis later, for it is worthy of note that there is no wealthy procrastinator.
Need I tell you that those who are in control of their time are in control of their life? Obviously, A lot of young people out there find it very difficult to manage their time efficiently - very worrisome! The lack of good time management skill is a factor that keeps one in the “very Broke Zone”, while managing your 24 hours effectively opens a lot of opportunities that will astonish you by the success achievable with the same time you wasted on irrelevance in time past.
It is expedient to learn how to manage your time wisely and efficiently and you will definitely leap beyond the “Broke Zone” in 2020.
In the same vein, the urge to buy everything at our disposal is a huge one – to the point that it appears that human want is insatiable. The desire to buy more to satisfy our want is a contributing factor to our staying broke, and it can only be crushed by staying true to spending on what is needed rather than what you want. The ability to differentiate between want and need is the gateway to responsible saving. Show me a person who saves frequently, and I will show you a person who will rarely go broke.
I have heard the popular saying that hard work is the antidote to poverty, but permit me to add that smart work is the antidote to financial impediment. It is my deepest wish that anyone who wishes to snap out of the “I am broke” zone achieves that feat in this new year.
Season greetings....
*Happy New Year!*