Demolition of Ile-Arugbo: The memory of Baba Saraki, liveth in the hearts not in a building - Oniyangi

Demolition of Ile-Arugbo: The memory of Baba Saraki, liveth in the hearts not in a building - Oniyangi

"Leadership is not just some empty formulas but establishing deep connection at soul levels through service, integrity, passion, perseverance and equanimity.” 

The above quote captures the exemplary life of the late political icon, Dr Olusola Saraki. The late Baba Oloye as he was fondly called, exuded integrity, passion, and promoted philanthropy, community service and human capital development. 

Baba Saraki was a compassionate leader who honoured the complexity of human relationships; he nurtured authenticity and created common grounds for blooming great ideas of individuals.

It was Baba's compassion and love for others that propelled the idea of his welfare house for the aged, which is popularly referred to as Ile-Arugbo. It was this same love and compassion for others that endeared him to the people and had his name engraved in their hearts. 

Therefore, what 'Ile Arugbo' symbolizes can't be erased by the mere demolition of the physical structure. It is an emotional connection with the widows and aged women who are beneficiaries of the social and healthcare services offered at Ile Arugbo.

In view of the contributions of Dr Olusola Saraki and the purpose that building was serving, the demolition of Ile Arugbo by the State Government is politics taken too far. It is unfortunate that the Governor allowed his personal interest to influence his official conduct. Kwarans are desirous of good governance and development and not politics of bitterness and retrogressiveness. 

Let me conclude with this illustration from Machiavelli in his book 'The Prince': "One can easily enter their [countries with many lords] by gaining the cooperation of some baron of the kingdom for one always finds dissatisfied barons who desire a change. Such men, for the reasons given, can open the way into the state and make the victory easy. 

"But if you wish to hold the kingdom afterwards, you meet with infinite difficulties, both from those who have assisted you and from those you have crushed. Nor is it enough for you to have destroyed the family of the prince, because the lords that remain make themselves the heads of fresh movements against you. Because you are unable either to satisfy or destroy them, that state is lost whenever time brings the opportunity.” 


Hajia Bilikisu Oniyangi

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