Private Jet Some Pastors are fake - Dr Dípó Awójídé

Dr Dipo Awojide aka Ogbenidipo UK based lecturer and a social media influencer has taking a bold step on his twitter page to condemn pastors living luxurious life while their church members are living in penury

Some Pastors are buying private jet here and there, in the midst of abject and very serious poverty, and our people are celebrating. Same way we replaced factories with religious buildings. Before you call me anti-Christ or twist my words, please reflect on the message.

Why is Islam growing at a significant rate without Imams buying and riding private jets?

If Jesus was alive and living in Nigeria, will he ride Private Jet while poverty is so high?

Side note: You don’t get any point for cursing/using derogatory words.

Answer the questions.

If your pastor wears Prada and Gucci and displays them on Instagram, can I respectfully ask that you leave my TL right now?

Let me quickly add, since this discussion doesn’t want to end, that Pope Francis nor his predecessors had private jets. A jet is hired from Alitalia for all trips (foreign and domestic). Am I making sense?

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