Give us Ministerial, SSG and Speaker slots or else you see our second side - KnRIG


Kwara North demand for ministerial, SsG and Speakership Slots
all sides/bloc of the divide- if any.
political solace.

when it comes to the needful pursuit of the general interest of our people.
follows; in order of priority.
This will once again demonstrate our capacity to be able to draw the lines
We with deep understanding of the political dynamics resolve after a
constructive analysis of the issues in reference to take a moderate stand,
having factored in the desirable variable, while also taking our view from
It is on this premise that KnRIG as an independent group - a THINK
TANK platform after due consultation and consideration resolved as
1. Since the political moral ground upon which the various interest
group across board have been denigrated and violated, moment after
the principle of POWER SHIFT OR ROTATION to Kwara North was
JEHISONED, a course to which we of the Kwara North extraction
make a huge sacrifice for the sake of the bigger picture and project for
the freedom of Kwara, was magnanimous enough to let go the pain of
the denial of Governorship Ticket. While pressing further with a high
sense of commitment at ensuring the emergence of the 'God's own
project Abdulrahman Abdulrasaq as the face of the O to ge'
movement and as Governor elect with an unprecedented 81% vote
input. And in whom we the entire people of the North have found
To that extent,

the moral compass upon which the political map of
Kwara is seated have been conventionally navigator, based on
fairness, equity and justice have been suspended temporarily. Hence!
Leaving all flanks open to a novel challenge of power sharing &
Nonetheless - we are also aware of the game of politicking and horse
trading presently ongoing. And without prejudice to undermine all
other different views, expression and positions taken earlier on by different individuals, groups and associations. We resolved to declare
as follows:
A. Ministerial Slot
B. SSG Slot
C. Speaker
violation, degradation, negligence, deprivation, devastation,
That! We demand of the followins,afforemention political slots to the North
We hold the strong view and so be it that - giving the interim, but
accidental political arrangement, the A, B, C, Slot demand is not too big
neither enough for the sacrifices we have made as a region against the,
abandonment we have suffered not as a result of any natural disaster,
rather - a deliberate human inflictions.
While appreciating the concern of other good people of conscience from
our sister zones raising their voices in solidarity, we had enjoined them
not to cr louder than the bereaved but be responsive to ensure that, the
aforementioned slots are need fully as a function of power sharing &
equation going to Kwara North and occupy by any one amidst the pool of
the credible, and capable son's & daughters of our extraction.
On this ground & position we stand.

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