Nigeria rank 43 of 54 countries in 2019 Africa SDGs index

Nigeria rank 43 of 54 countries in 2019 Africa SDGs index

Nigeria has been ranked 43rd out of the 54 countries in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals among African countries, according to

Accumulating a total of 47.1 in performance, Nigeria rank low behind Sudan Comoros and Liberia 47.4, 47.6 and 48.0 respectively  and some other countries currently recovering from crisis.

According to the report, the ranking provides an assessment not just of where African countries stand with respect to the SDGs and their progress toward the goals, but also how African governments are implementing strategies for achieving them.

The organisation reiterated that to make the survey more comprehensive, additional questions were added, organized around the following 6 areas; national strategies and baseline assessments in the executive, budgeting practices and procedures in the executive, stakeholder engagement, coordinating units in the executive, legislative actions, and main challenges for implementation.

Mauritius, Cabo Verde and Sao Tome & Principe ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively. Despite her economic strength, Nigeria ranked behind her neighbour Ghana 5th, and her economic rival, South Africa were 6th.

It is important to noted that, despite the establish of the Office of Senior Special Adviser to the President on SDGs, nothing seems to be changing as the achievement of the SDGs has seen no improvement.

Specifically, Nigeria ranked below 45% in Quality Education (SDG 4) and 30.3%% in Zero Poverty and Well being & Good Health (SDGs 1 & 3) respectively. With the data also showing that over 86 million Nigerians live in absolute poverty.

These statistics are evidences of the deteriorating state of infrastructures, economy, low standard of living and insecurity of food, life property in the country.

Brain Builders International therefore call on both Federal and State Government to action against all humanitarian crisis bedeviling the country's healthy, education, security and human development, as it reinstated its commitment towards the achievement of the SDGs through her activities, the translation of the SDGs into local languages and the localisation the the Sustainable Development Goals with campaigners across all the 774 Local Government in Nigeria.

The Executive Director of Brain Builders International, Abideen Olasupo, calls on all stakeholders to drive the promotion of the SDGs as we approach the decade of crucial action towards the attainment of the SDGs, clamouring for adequate monitoring, evaluation and advocacy for the SDGs.

_This report was compiled by: Oni Edith Eromomene, Ayanwale Abiodun and Tomori Uriel.

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