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_Mr Lawal Olohungbebe is the Coordinator, Center For Community Development, Kwara State University, Malete._
On your BirthDATE!
You are a sun; kindhearted, pure and bright
It shines optimism and grace to all in its range
It is actually a key to many survival
Olohungbebe is a rain;
Creating a spectrum of colours bleeding across the sky
With love, I sighed in relief of the petrichor.
Wonder not,
Like my thoughts are thrilled and twisted,
Daily and deeply by the albums of your ways,
I succumb severely to the impulse of imminent interplay,
So dumb with joy, grateful for the fusion of our fevers,
I’ve never let you leave my mind,
You haven’t finished eating your portion of my heart,
There is so much more for you, still in my chest, on my eyes.
You are a rare happiness,
That bare beast of a human’s best distress,
Trigger my storm sirens with a single drop of 'Teslim',
Serve me with the most sensational moment,
Replenish my youth with an admiration that won’t die.
Knowing that you’re not a makeshift man, nor a loyalty within a lie,
That you’ll punish my pulse with peppered pleasure,
Because I can, because I must.
Pull my hair just to hear those breaths beg for big flares,
Treat the smooth and sweet lascerations of love’s lament,
Butterfly cut into the surface of a boy’s search for sincerity.
Your creativity is par excellence,
It is left to those who are born with incertitude,
To keep wailing and wandering in skepticism,
A character of raw cerebral intelligence personified.
You enlightened me that,
We get intoxicated on performance of personality,
Buzzed beautifully from believing in the addiction of adoration’s affliction,
We know we can handle one another’s hurt.
As warriors bleed hard because they sell themselves the sacrifice,
That we can process history with humor by breaking the shame of blame,
Synthesize epiphany with sympathy to nourish symphonies of Divinity,
We realize that intensity is the regal implement of our tournament.
You like it when I tell you the tough truths,
That I want to be loved for more than one reason,
That being respected in segments isn’t enough,
That I will never be like them,
That words can outlast the disappointment of distance,
That the world overwhelms me when I most expect,
That sometimes I’d rather be a heart attack
Before being a pretty song or a favorite memory.
You understand my need for absolute affection, absolute attention,
Let's allow our love to be confusing, dazzling, on the verge of villainy, it isn’t steady as a sleeping heart beat
or ready for celebration like a ” gee wiz ” graduation,
It is our Love, and its undefinably volatile and lovely.
Your cosmos gives a question that feeds one answer,
That love is ours, safe in the arms Armageddon, I remember the ember of our future
Spacing on the hearth of fresh earth,
Don’t ever leave me Boss, just keep loving and mentoring me.